Railroad Prototype Modelers Valley Forge

March 22 to 24, 2024


Rob Hinkle

Drew Marshall

Download the Final Schedule here.

Clinics are up to an hour long with a half hour between clinics.

Our clinicians are volunteer speakers who have experience in their subject matter.

If you have experience that you wish to share, we would love to hear from you. Contact the Clinics chair persons. Furthermore, Clinicians will have their registration fee refunded.

Since this event is sponsored by a 100% NMRA club, you can earn two points toward your 

NMRA Achievement program certificate.

We have projectors, screens, & computers with USB inputs that you can plug in a flash drive with your clinic on it. At the beginning of each clinic, we will be there to be sure that everything is working properly.

List of 2024 Clinicians

Ramon Rhodes            Hotspot: Birmingham Alabama

Steve Holzheimer        Tire Traffic on the AC&Y - June 1967

Tom  Jacobs                  Realizing the Reading IV: The Golden Spike!

Bernie Kempinski        Manifest Destiny—Expanding the USMRR Aquia Line

Tony Koester                What’s New on the Nickel Plate?

Fred Lass                       Building a better B&O P-7 using the Mantua Pacific and resin parts

Dennis Lippert             Diesel Detailing for the 21st Century

Steven Meyer                Steam And Steel On The Monongahela River Line

Richard Newmiller      Scratch building the Colgate Manufacturing Facility in Jersey City

Dave Owens                  Railroads and fire apparatus: 

Chris Palmieri              Enjoy the Journey – An Intro to Freelance Model Railroading

Ted Pamperin              Not your typical model railroad video

Thom Radice                Atlanta Rolling Mill, circa 1863

Mike Rose                     Progress Update On My Conrail Lehigh Line, Circa 1984

Bill Schneider               The Old Woman in the New Basement

Jim Schweitzer             Train Order Operator 101

Mike Shylanski             B&O's Wallboard Flat Cars and the Industry that Used Them

Bob Sprague                  What’s New on the Old Ma & Pa

Bob Tegtmeier              Sperry Road Service

Kurt Thompson            Using TinkerCAD to generate 3D printing drawings

Kurt Thompson            How much coal is in that hopper? Using an Arduino to add car weighing to your 

                                         Ops session

Kurt Thompson            Arduino Introduction by building a grade crossing system

Jerry Britton                  Middle Division Musings 2024

John Brown                   Auto Frames on the Railroads

Robert Bucklew             JMRI Engine Driver, Withrottle and the McCorry SD45 Simulator

DC  Cebula                     Historically Accurate Freelancing

Shannon Crabtree        Paint schemes and details of the RF&P Geeps

Eric Craig                       My Wireless Philadelphia and Reading Railroad

Chuck Davis                  Modifying And Detailing Plastic Steam Engines

Ralph DeBlasi               Prototype Scratchbuilding

Ralph DeBlasi               Designing the Lehigh Valley Railroad

Eric Dervinis                 Modeling 1956 Lackawanna Operations

John Frantz                   The PRR's Steel Flatcar Fleet.

Nicholas Fry                  The B&O and it’s Successors in the St. Louis Gateway

Gerry Futej                    The Dodge Coal Storage System & Modeling It in HO Scale

Ron Giordani                Modeling the Reading 85 ton hopper

Eric Hansmann            Ventilated Boxcars - An 1897-1962 review

Todd Hermann             Down on Front Street: Modeling "Downtown" Catty on the L&NE's Catasauqua Branch

Jim Hertzog                  Exploring the Reading's Shamokin Division

Ron Hoess                     Modeling early PRR catenary infrastructure.

Charles Liggett             Signaling Your Model Railroad

Dave Olesen                  Signals and CTC for the C&O Allegheny Sub

Matt Herman                Introduction to 3D Central

Steve Funaro                 Illinois Central Single Sheath Auto Box Rebuilds

Ted Culotta                    Photoetching for Model Railroading

Alan Mende                   Powering a Little Critter

Alan Mende                   Building in Brass

Alan Mende                   Obsessive-Compulsive detailing revisited

John Brown MMR        1963 train trip to Chicago via Winnipeg and St. Paul

Joseph Walters MMR  Scratch-Building a UP  rotary snow plow

Mike Dettinger              A Global Steam Locomotive: The USATC S100 Story

Ted DiIorio                    Easy, Fast Weathering Demo

Will Jamison                 Air Separation Plants

Drew Marshall              Drew’s Trackside Adventures

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Sponsored by a 100% NMRA Club

 Copyright ©2015-2024 Railroad Prototype Modelers-Valley Forge, Inc. 

 Site Designed and Maintained by Val Pistilli
